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Children’s Dentistry in Donvale

Toothless boy smiling and swingingA positive first experience with the dentist can shape your child’s perception of dental care for their entire life. We highly encourage parents to bring their little ones along to watch their check-up and clean appointments, to help familiarise children with the dental office environment.

Each of our staff are highly experienced with children and are committed to ensuring their comfort throughout every visit. As we show your child how to look after their teeth and gums, we empower them to have the resources necessary that allow for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

When to Bring Your Child to the Dentist

We highly recommend bringing your child in for their first check-up by 2 years of age. Early, routine dental screenings allow us to intercept preventable conditions and oral diseases, allowing for more conservative treatment in the future. And since your child will hopefully have already been to our office from a young age, they’ll associate their visits with positive memories instead of painful emergencies.

Children’s Dental Benefit Scheme Accepted

Families that qualify for CDBS benefits can access up to $1,095 in dental care for each child covered under the plan. Our staff will check your eligibility to ensure you are able to take advantage of any allowance you’re entitled to. Everything from check-ups to fillings is included!

Good oral hygiene habits begin at a young age. Since tooth decay is preventable, it’s essential to routinely screen their teeth and educate them regarding self-care in an age appropriate manner.

Depending on your child’s comfort level, a typical check-up will include a thorough exam of their teeth and gums, a gentle clean and polish, a set of cavity-screening X-rays and a fluoride treatment. Depending on your child’s age, we’ll also evaluate their bite for orthodontic needs or irregularities related to their oral development.

Protective dental sealants are an excellent way to lower your child’s risk of tooth decay. The thin layer of material coats the deep pits and fissures on the chewing surfaces of molars (back teeth) to make them easier to clean. Each sealant takes only a few minutes to apply and no numbing or drilling is required. We recommend placing them on all permanent molars, which typically erupt around the ages of 6 and 12, respectively. If your child’s primary (baby) teeth have especially deep fissures, those areas can be sealed as well.

Until your child is able to tie their own shoes, always go back to check and help with their brushing and flossing. Pay particular attention to the gumlines where plaque is the thickest. Brush in a circular motion one tooth at a time for at least two minutes twice per day. Always be sure to floss at least once per day to clean the areas between teeth that brushing doesn’t reach.

Your Family-Friendly Dental Team

Looking for a new dental home for everyone in your household? Contact our office to schedule family and children’s dentistry Donvale under one roof.

Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Children’s Dentist in Donvale, VIC | 03 8821 4688

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