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Cosmetic Dentistry in Donvale

Woman looking in mirrorAge, decay, everyday wear and even genetics can sometimes work against our smile’s natural beauty. If you feel self-conscious of the way your teeth look, you may be less likely to smile around friends, laugh at a party or even pose in a photograph.

Fortunately, our wide range of cosmetic dentistry solutions can help you turn your teeth into one of your best accessories. When you have a dazzling white, straight smile, you’ll be more likely to want to show it off.

Curating Your Aesthetic Plan

Cosmetic dental treatments come in all shapes and sizes. Depending on what you want to achieve, we may offer a single or combination of therapies such as

Everyone is unique. Chances are, you’ll have more than a couple of options to choose from. We’ll walk you through the appropriate choices and discuss what benefits they offer so that you can make an educated decision about which route to take.

Payment plans are available, making it easier to find an affordable cosmetic solution that fits your budget.

Advanced laser technology provides a minimally-invasive and gentle solution for common cosmetic and restorative treatments.

For instance, we’re able to use soft tissue lasers to adjust the margin of your tissues if you have problems like a ‘gummy smile’ or uneven gumlines. Instead of conventional gummy smile treatment, the laser method allows for fast results with no bleeding and little to no inflammation.

Lasers are also helpful for fitting our patients with dental implants, making implant therapy one of the least invasive restorative options we offer!

Each of our custom cosmetic restorations are handcrafted here in Australia. Nothing is sent to overseas labs. Our dentists and ceramists work closely to ensure optimal fitting and aesthetic results for each restoration, whether it’s a porcelain veneer, ceramic crown or a fixed dental implant prosthesis.

Using high quality materials ensures the best outcome and longest performance of your investment. Plus, we use magnification lenses (loupes) to ensure attention to the finest details throughout your cosmetic treatment.

Missing, damaged, decayed or crooked teeth easily stand out from your surrounding smile. As part of your cosmetic dentistry plan, we’ll establish steps to restore your smile’s natural form and function. Healthy teeth are beautiful teeth. By combining restorative treatments with specific cosmetic techniques, you can enjoy the best of both worlds.

Investing in your smile is something you can enjoy for years to come. We highly encourage our smile makeover patients to book six monthly check-ups and cleans. It’s also vital to brush and floss around each tooth (or implant) daily in order to reduce the chance of recurring decay or gum disease in that area of your mouth.

Enhance Your Smile’s Appearance

Considering a smile makeover or cosmetic dentistry Donvale? Request a consultation today for a customized treatment plan.

Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Cosmetic Dentistry in Donvale, VIC | 03 8821 4688

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